

We create original formats with a compelling narrative structure and visual identity that adapt to multiple territories, channels, slots, and platforms



We offer high-level consultancy based on hands-on experience in the creative and commercial areas of the international formats industry



We transfer formats expertise via top-quality production bibles, flying producers, international conference design, and in-house training

Our Formats

The world of TV formats is looking for the next big thing. After decades of recycling old formats into new products, it’s time now for a new generation of TV game shows and formats to be unveiled to the world of television. We aim to introduce new sensations and a new way of gaming for TV audiences. Our new concept of virtual reality and TV games is a great combination of gaming on television. Come see us at the next world TV market in Cannes, Miptv and Mip market 2022.

Our goal – to combine the commercial and creative parts of our industry into a consultancy that delivers great formats that travel.

About us

VR TV Games was founded by Hacene GHERBI, The inventor of a new generation of VR TV Games.

It’s a mix of TV reality series with VR technologies for a new way of gaming in the world of television. We will be present at the world TV market MIPTV in France next April 2022.

Come discover our new content and formats.

We have a selection of formats for different kinds of audiences.

CEO & founder Hacene Gherbi